International Commercial Law

Lönnquist Advokatbyrå is a member of the Galexy International Association of Lawyers. It is an association of lawyers in various countries which enables Lönnquist Advokatbyrå to have excellent contacts with law firms in e.g. Germany, England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Please visit for more information.

Lönnquist Advokatbyrå also has a long-standing relationship with the American law firm Holland & Knight. The reason for this is that Attorney Anders Lönnquist previously worked at Haight, Gardner, Poor & Havens in New York, which subsequently merged with Holland & Knight.

Holland & Knight is a full-service firm specialising in commercial law with more than 1,000 lawyers and 20 branches around the United States.

Through our extensive network of contacts, Lönnquist Advokatbyrå is able to assist your business in international legal matters.